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Updated: Apr 29, 2021

Earth Day just turned 51 last week and the theme is-RESTORING OUR EARTH

Our corporate ethos at InfiniteEARTH has a laser focus on both people and planet.

We know how important it is to work with all stakeholders in a long-term partnership that has a defined goal.

We are on the same side. The side that wants to ensure all people on this earth thrive, grow, and have opportunity- but not at the expense of nature.

It is our job to ensure the survival of this planet for future generations.

Individuals and corporations understand that reducing emissions is not only the right thing to do, but it is necessary if we are to give our fragile planet a chance to survive, much less recover. The reality, however, is that emission reduction alone will not ensure the longevity of our planet. When one accepts this as a fact, the importance of REDD+ projects become that much more apparent.

REDD+ generates net positive benefits on the climate, this is done for people, for the environment and for wildlife.

As we look at ways in which we can contribute to a lower personal carbon footprint; insulation, purchasing habits, travel, dietary choices, green cars, solar power in our homes, waste reduction, etc, it becomes apparent that corporations hold a much larger burden. They must give us ethically produced products and services, source raw materials from reputable suppliers, reduce their waste or pollution, reduce and recycle, offset their emissions and most importantly, educate their employees and customers.

The role of government entities cannot be forgotten in this process, they must introduce the ‘checks & balances’ that keep corporations in line. They also incentivise those that are making a concerted effort to implement sustainable strategies in their value chain, thus ensuring that companies are committed to a strategy that supports the environment.

Companies will often have a larger footprint than they can mitigate by reducing their emissions. Corporate leaders who are focused on environmental issues, know that they need to make commitments to reduce and offset emissions as a normal part of their business strategy.

‘Offsetting’ is not a dirty word- but you should be picky about who you purchase your carbon credits from.

There isn't just one solution to the climate crisis, it requires a multidimensional strategy that has several key components and committed participants who all play a vital role.

Getting back to the celebration of Earth Day:

"We must Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. Every one of us needs a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity."-

Our contribution to the protection of our earth includes several key factors which were highlighted in this year’s Earth Day theme of “Restoring our earth”:

Reforestation- we have planted over 350,000 indigenous trees and mangroves in and around the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve

Carbon Capture- 65, 000 hectares of peat swamp forest is protected, this area was slated to become 4 oil palm plantations. Peatlands are significant carbon sinks and store twice as much carbon than other types of forests do.

Reduce the transmission of diseases- we supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to our team and other community members, we also have a floating clinic that brings health services into the project area. Individual water filters and water purifying systems give all community members access to clean drinking water.

Boost local economies- investment is made in micro-enterprises such as Zuper shrimp paste, chicken egg farms, water supply, organic vegetables and salted fish. Most of these small businesses are run by women.

Help stop erosion- we have planted about 72,000 mangroves which act as a buffer between the sea and land and help limit erosion while supporting ocean biodiversity.

Protect biodiversity- 100 IUCN Red listed endangered species are protected in the project area, including orangutans, proboscis monkeys and sun bears.

Support farmers in sustainable food production- educational activities are held where local agricultural workers are taught how to produce sustainable, organic vegetables.

Food security- indigenous fruit trees are planted; organic farms are set up and rivers are cleaned to ensure sustainable fish supplies. Sustainable food security is only possible if community members are educated in the potential benefits and best practises needed to ensure the success of initiatives that support food production.

Clean-up activities that reduce the number of plastics in the environment- we arrange regular river and village clean-up activities. These help build a sense of ownership and pride that changes bad habits into more positive actions that help keep their environment free of plastics and other debris. Mangrove tree planting, with community involvement, also helps drive home the role played by nature and the importance of protecting the local environment from ocean plastics.

As a Project Manager, InfiniteEARTH is committed to ensuring that our projects meet the stringent guidelines put in place and which are verified by a third party. This means that we can make the claim that our initiatives meet all 17 of the UN SDGs, ensuring that our partners are working with a company committed to socially responsible and sustainable (ESG) investments.

For InfiniteEARTH and Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve- Earth Day is indeed every day of the year.

Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve is an InfiniteEARTH project.

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